HomeTren&dExploring Ek Din Pratidin: A Day in the Life

Exploring Ek Din Pratidin: A Day in the Life


Ek Din Pratidin is a seminal Bengali film directed by iconic filmmaker, Mrinal Sen, released in 1979. The title translates to “And Quiet Rolls the Dawn” in English. The film presents a day in the life of a middle-class family in Kolkata, capturing the nuances of their interpersonal relationships, aspirations, and struggles. Through the lens of this masterpiece, we delve into the intricacies of daily life, the portrayal of gender roles, societal norms, and the essence of human existence.

Setting the Scene: A Glimpse into Middle-class Kolkata

The film is set in the bustling city of Kolkata, known for its rich cultural heritage, intellectual milieu, and vibrant streets. Kolkata serves as the perfect backdrop for the narrative, showcasing the dichotomy between tradition and modernity. The audience is immersed in the urban landscape, characterized by narrow lanes, bustling markets, and the ubiquitous tramlines, which serve as a metaphor for the interconnected lives of the residents.

Exploring the Characters:

The film revolves around the Sen family, comprising of the mother, father, and seven siblings. The narrative unfolds as the family awakens to find the eldest daughter, Chandana, missing from home. This triggers a series of events that delve into the dynamics of the family, their interactions with society, and the perception of individual identity. Each character represents a facet of societal expectations, familial responsibilities, and personal aspirations.

Gender Dynamics and Societal Expectations:

One of the central themes of Ek Din Pratidin is the exploration of gender roles and the societal norms that govern them. The absence of Chandana leads to speculation and judgment from neighbors, reflecting the deep-rooted patriarchal mindset prevalent in society. The burden of upholding the family honor and reputation falls disproportionately on the female members, highlighting the inherent bias and double standards faced by women.

The Essence of Human Existence:

As the day progresses, the audience is privy to the vulnerabilities, fears, and dreams of each character in the film. Through simple yet profound interactions, Mrinal Sen masterfully captures the essence of human existence – the quest for identity, the pursuit of happiness, and the ever-present specter of societal scrutiny. The film serves as a mirror to reflect upon the intricacies of human relationships, the fragility of societal constructs, and the resilience of the human spirit.


In conclusion, Ek Din Pratidin stands as a poignant cinematic masterpiece that transcends time and space. It weaves a narrative that resonates with audiences across generations, inviting introspection and contemplation on the complexities of daily life. Through the lens of this film, we are reminded of the beauty in the mundane, the strength in vulnerability, and the immutable human spirit that perseveres amid adversity. Mrinal Sen’s directorial brilliance shines through, immortalizing the ordinary moments that define our existence.


  1. What is the significance of the title, “Ek Din Pratidin”?
  2. Ek Din Pratidin translates to “And Quiet Rolls the Dawn” in English, symbolizing the cyclical nature of daily life and the passage of time.

  3. How does the film portray gender roles in society?

  4. The film explores the traditional gender norms and societal expectations placed on women, highlighting the disparities and biases faced by female characters.

  5. What are some key themes addressed in “Ek Din Pratidin”?

  6. Themes such as family dynamics, societal scrutiny, individual identity, and the essence of human existence are intricately woven into the narrative.

  7. What is the directorial style of Mrinal Sen in this film?

  8. Mrinal Sen’s directorial style in Ek Din Pratidin is characterized by minimalist aesthetics, nuanced storytelling, and a keen focus on human emotions.

  9. How does the film capture the essence of Kolkata as a city?

  10. The portrayal of Kolkata in the film reflects its vibrant streets, cultural ethos, and the juxtaposition of tradition and modernity.

  11. What is the significance of Chandana’s absence in the narrative?

  12. Chandana’s absence serves as a catalyst for exploring the intricacies of family dynamics, societal judgment, and individual agency.

  13. How does the film address social commentary and critique?

  14. Through subtle interactions and nuanced storytelling, the film critiques societal norms, gender biases, and the impact of external perceptions on individual lives.

  15. What is the enduring legacy of “Ek Din Pratidin” in Indian cinema?

  16. The film is hailed as a classic in Indian cinema, admired for its storytelling, character portrayal, and its ability to evoke profound introspection among viewers.
Diya Patel
Diya Patel
Diya Patеl is an еxpеriеncеd tеch writеr and AI еagеr to focus on natural languagе procеssing and machinе lеarning. With a background in computational linguistics and machinе lеarning algorithms, Diya has contributеd to growing NLP applications.

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